Are you interested in learning about the rules that help prevent forest fires and keep the land safe and tidy? In Portugal, there have been concerns about the significant number of fires in recent years, and it’s important to take steps to manage the risk of such disasters. By following proper fuel management techniques and rules for clearing land, we can work together to prevent devastating situations.

If you own land with undergrowth, it’s important to remember that you have a legal obligation to maintain and clean the area, which helps prevent fires. Don’t worry though, I’m here to help you understand the rules and deadlines for compliance, as well as any bureaucracy that might cause you doubts.

You have until April 30th to clear your land, and if you don’t comply, you could face significant fines. But don’t worry, I can guide you through the process and make sure you don’t miss the deadline.

If you become aware of a situation of non-compliance, it’s your duty to report it to the competent authorities. Therefore, you should contact your local council or GNR.

The government has published a list of the most prioritized parishes where fuel management will be assessed, so you can consult it if you own land or woodland.

Cleaning your land includes cutting down weeds, bushes, undergrowth, and other plant material around buildings in rural or forest areas. It’s important to clear a 50-meter strip around buildings and to respect legally protected species.

Exceptions to cleaning include gardens that are properly maintained and agricultural areas that are not fallow or intended for permanent pasture.

Remember, not only rural or forest areas are covered by this cleaning requirement, but there are also rural and forest areas adjacent to urban areas where this obligation must be fulfilled within the legal deadline.

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